Citizens see danger

Why the city is building an “alpine footbridge” for the school route

27.05.2024 06:00

Intended in the zoning plan for 30 years, Melk Mayor Patrick Strobl now finally wants to create a short footpath from the Melk district to the town center near the school. The municipal council's blessing dates back to 2021, as do the cost calculations. This is causing uproar among some members of the opposition and local residents.

Two routes lead from the Schanz district in Melk to the city center. Local residents Michael Urban and Elisabeth Hössl are against a third, shorter connection. "The design is conceived as an 'alpine path' with 80 metal steps," says Urban. "A safe footpath looks different. Especially when schoolchildren use it."

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Meanwhile, the project also contradicts the principles of the new Melk Mobility Concept 2023, which provides for safe pedestrian mobility.

Anrainer Michael Urban

Mayor Strobl recalls unanimous decision
However, ÖVP mayor Patrick Strobl wants to go ahead with the project: "There is an existing footpath for accessibility. What's more, all parties agreed to it at the 2021 city council meeting - and it would be a very good shortcut for schoolchildren," he adds.

With regard to the local residents, he points out that "we even waived their obligation to clear snow from a section of the path", confirms the head of the town.

The steps for the "Alpinsteg", which form the steep part of the path, ... (Bild: Stadtgemeinde Melk)
The steps for the "Alpinsteg", which form the steep part of the path, ...
... are already at the building yard - there should be 80 of them. (Bild: Stadtgemeinde Melk)
... are already at the building yard - there should be 80 of them.

SPÖ local councillor Haas: "Project now also too expensive"
"Yes, we also agreed," says SPÖ local councillor John Haas. "But firstly, although we once saw the project documents, the topology of the steep section of the site was not clear from them. In addition, the decision was made more than three years ago, which is one of the reasons why the costs skyrocketed from 20,000 to 51,000 euros," he argues.

"And it can be assumed that the end of the price scale has not been reached here," says Haas. "Particularly in light of the current precarious situation of the municipality's finances, the project should be reconsidered right now," he alludes to having another vote on the matter ...

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read the original article here.

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