Diary emptied

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25.05.2024 10:58

Princess Kate will be taking a break from the public eye until the end of the year due to her cancer treatment, according to a new report.

"A lot of people involved in the planning must know well in advance what everyone is doing," a royal source told The Daily Beast on Friday. "I've been told Kate's diary is empty for this year. There's nothing planned. She may not make any more public appearances for the rest of the year," the insider said.

The decision to step back is to allow Prince William's wife to focus solely on her health and family while she continues her cancer treatment.

Princess Kate announced in March that she would have to undergo preventative chemotherapy. (Bild: picturedesk.com/ROTA / Camera Press)
Princess Kate announced in March that she would have to undergo preventative chemotherapy.

Avoiding "stress and anxiety"
The source stressed that the decision was not due to a deterioration in her health. Kate is in good shape and is taking a positive approach to her treatment. However, she wants to avoid stress in order to get completely well.

"The most important thing for her now is to avoid any kind of stress or anxiety and just focus on getting better," the insider said. "As soon as school is out, they will head to Sandringham."

Kate and William own the Anmer Hall country estate there. She is said to be planning to spend a lot of time with her children and relatives in Norfolk this summer.

Kate announced in a video shortly before Easter that she had been diagnosed with cancer after her operation in January. She was receiving chemotherapy as a precaution.

In her video message, she also asked for privacy for herself and her family. Kate and William have three children - Prince George (10), Princess Charlotte (9) and Prince Louis (6).

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read the original article here.

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