Spaniards report:

Flick presented as Barca coach on Monday

24.05.2024 12:03

According to a media report from Spain, Hansi Flick will be the new coach of FC Barcelona. The top Catalan soccer club will announce the German's appointment on Monday, wrote the newspaper "Mundo Deportivo" on Friday.

According to the report, a decisive telephone conversation between the 59-year-old and Barça sporting director Deco took place last Wednesday. However, details such as the duration of the contract are still to be clarified.

Confusion surrounding Xavi
A one-year contract with an option to extend is said to be under discussion. Several media outlets had previously reported that Flick was once again a hot candidate for the top club. Flick, most recently the German team manager, is therefore considered to be the club management's favorite in the event of a separation from current coach Xavi after an unprecedented back and forth in recent weeks. However, this separation has not yet been officially confirmed. According to the newspaper, Xavi will also be informed of the decision on Monday.

Barcelona's club legend announced his retirement at the end of this season in January. At the time, Flick was already being touted as a possible successor. The first U-turn followed in April, when Xavi, president Joan Laporta and sporting director Deco agreed to continue working together until at least 2025.

Thick air between Joan Laporta (l.) and Xavi (Bild: APA/AFP/Pau BARRENA//LLUIS GENE )
Thick air between Joan Laporta (l.) and Xavi

However, the 44-year-old 2010 world champion is now apparently on the verge of leaving the club again, as Xavi's public statements on the club's financial situation and the lack of international competitiveness of his squad are said to have massively angered the Barça management.

The fact that his advisor Pini Zahavi has a good relationship with Laporta speaks in favor of Flick as a potential successor. He also has a good reputation in Spain because, as coach of Bayern Munich, he defeated FC Barcelona 8:2 in the quarter-finals on the way to winning the Champions League in 2020.

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read the original article here.

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