Live at Nova Rock

Finally: The new album from Bring Me The Horizon

26.05.2024 14:00

And just like that, a new album by Bring Me The Horizon (BMTH) is on the market - and an unusual one at that. "POST HUMAN: NeX GEn" is its catchy title, a mix of metalcore and alternative rock with 16 energetic songs for headbanging. The themes are dark as usual: violence, power and death - but also love. Those who get involved will be pleasantly surprised by the record.

Because BMTH is anything but a classic metal band. The lyrics are clever and the sound is poppy. The face of the four-piece group is Oli Sykes (37), a colorfully tattooed heartthrob with a drug past, his own fashion label and an unmistakable voice. He and his friends founded the band in 2004 in Sheffield, England. Thanks to the social network MySpace, the teenagers became stars in the scene overnight. This was followed by music awards, concerts in front of sold-out halls and a song with Ed Sheeran.

Against the accusations
Today, the English have long since arrived in the mainstream and, according to Sony Music, have sold more than five million albums worldwide. Die-hard fans from the very beginning criticize this development. The accusation is that the band is moving further and further away from its roots. However, their new and seventh studio album proves the opposite. It is the second release in the four-part "POST HUMAN" series and was originally due to be released last September.

But the group was not satisfied, Sykes announced on Instagram in August. It had "taken forever to write the album", he said according to a press release. Now the record is being released without an announcement - a surprise in many respects. Because musically, BMTH remains true to itself while also breaking new ground. Frontman Oli still screams, but not alone. For example, the popular US rapper Lil Uzi Vert is featured on the song "AmEN". There is singing, rapping and shouting.

No kids' stuff
Sykes wishes "have fun rotting in hell". The accompanying music video is, typically, disturbing and could serve as a trailer for a scary movie. For the video for the song "LosT", you even have to be registered on YouTube to confirm your age - only from 18. "The next time I open up to someone will be at my autopsy," sings the frontman. The boys from Sheffield like to shock. And it works.

Live at Nova Rock
You will soon be able to see the live qualities of Bring Me The Horizons for yourself. On June 16, they will close this year's Nova Rock Festival with Babymetal, Biohazard and the Dropkick Murphys. Visit for all the info and tickets.

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