Did Bayern feel it out?

Pep alerted! Is Kompany demanding a City player?

23.05.2024 17:48

Vincent Kompany is about to become the new coach of FC Bayern Munich and probably already has a concrete idea of what his team should look like. Allegedly, Man City midfielder Jack Grealish is a key component. Munich are said to be ready to try their luck. Alarm bells are ringing for City coach Pep Guardiola.

According to the Sun, Munich could already have the key to a Grealish transfer in their own ranks. The midfielder is excited by the prospect of playing alongside striker Harry Kane. Allegedly, a possible transfer of the City player has already been part of the negotiations with Kompany. The Belgian is said to be a big fan of the 28-year-old.

As Munich want to revamp their squad anyway and there is a need for action in midfield, the Bayern managers are ready to make an attempt to lure the Englishman to the Isar. It is said that the English champions have already made an approach.

Should be a leader
That's probably why Pep Guardiola's alarm bells are already ringing. Although Grealish has had difficult periods at City from time to time, he has made a significant contribution to the club's title win. The Spaniard has also told City bosses that he wants to keep his squad together.

Jack Grealish celebrates a Man City goal. (Bild: Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Jack Grealish celebrates a Man City goal.

Grealish himself, however, is said to be able to imagine a move. He is hoping for new impetus for his career in Munich. The record champions are also impressed by the fact that the 28-year-old has matured into a leader at City. A role that they would also like to offer him in Munich.

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