Cause unclear

Ceiling crashed down: Bruck school closed

23.05.2024 16:00

Pupils and teachers at the Bruck education cluster with the commercial academy, commercial school and federal institute for elementary education were extremely lucky: the entire ceiling of a classroom came crashing down on Thursday night. The cause is unclear, the school remains closed until further notice.

On Thursday night, disaster struck in Bruck's B3 education cluster (the commercial academy, commercial school and Federal Institute for Elementary Education are all housed here): for reasons that are still unclear, the entire substructure of a ceiling in a classroom on the second floor of the HAK came loose.

It's hard to imagine what would have happened if this had happened during the day! The Styrian Education Directorate said: "As a precautionary measure, the entire B3 Bruck building has been closed until further notice. A lifting of the lockdown is not foreseeable without structural safety measures."

Mayor expresses her shock
"I am deeply saddened and fortunately no one was injured, but this incident could have had fatal consequences. My top priority now is the safety of the pupils and the entire teaching staff. I immediately visited the site and am in close contact with the federal real estate company BIG and the Education Directorate. Together with my staff, I am endeavoring to provide temporary replacement accommodation," said Mayor Andrea Winkelmeier to the "Krone".

The Mayor of Bruck, Andrea Winkelmeier (Bild: Sepp Pail)
The Mayor of Bruck, Andrea Winkelmeier

Incident also becomes an issue at federal level
The dangerous incident will also be a topic at parliamentary level, with the FPÖ taking Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) to task: "The Minister of Education will have to explain to us in the context of a question whether there is an overall safety risk due to the condition of the building and what measures will be taken to remedy the obvious structural defects. The necessary funds must be made available by the federal government immediately - after all, there is undoubtedly imminent danger," says Hannes Amesbauer, Member of the National Council. The Freedom Party would also like to know "to what extent already known structural deficiencies were not taken sufficiently seriously by the ministry."

Member of the National Council Hannes Amesbauer (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Member of the National Council Hannes Amesbauer

Homeschooling until June 3
The damage to the building is considerable. In order not to endanger anyone, homeschooling has been scheduled until June 3 for the time being. All schools in the federal school cluster will then have alternative accommodation in the HTL Kapfenberg premises until school closes.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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