But the warmth continues!

Rain and thunderstorms: May remains moody

23.05.2024 14:35

Weak low pressure will continue to cause unsettled weather in Austria until further notice. On Friday, there will be some residual clouds and local patches of fog at first. These will clear in the morning and the sun will appear. Except in the east, where the first rain showers will begin. From midday, the likelihood of rain will generally increase. According to Geosphere Austria, thunderstorms are also possible.

Locally, there could be large amounts of rain on Friday, especially in the east. It is most likely to remain dry in the south-east. In the morning, temperatures will range from six to 15 degrees, with highs of 24 degrees in the afternoon.

Saturday mainly rainy
Especially in the west and northwest, a few rain showers will pass through on Saturday in the morning. Otherwise, the sun will shine at times until midday after a few heavy residual clouds have cleared. After that, a few more showers and thunderstorms are possible in the eastern half of the country. The fewest showers and thunderstorms will be in the southeast. On Saturday, too, the maximum daily temperature will be 24 degrees.

Up to 26 degrees possible on Sunday
It will be very cloudy on Sunday morning, especially in the eastern half of the country. A few showers may also pass through there. Otherwise, the weather will continue to show its changeable side with sunshine and clouds. The central mountains and the south will be particularly susceptible to the development of heavier clouds and, as a result, a few shower and thunderstorm cells. Temperatures of up to 26 degrees are expected at the end of the week.

From the beginning of the week, the forecast is still very uncertain. From today's perspective, the geosphere is predicting intermittent sunshine for many regions on Monday after any residual clouds have cleared. Then some shower and thunderstorm cells will form again in the afternoon and evening. Early temperatures will range from eight to 16 degrees, with daytime highs of 22 to 27 degrees.

Disturbance zone from west to east
On Tuesday, rain showers and thunderstorms are again expected in the west. To the east, it will be sunny and dry for longer, but here too the tendency for showers and thunderstorms will increase significantly in the afternoon and evening. Early temperatures will range between ten and 16 degrees, with daytime highs of 16 to 27 degrees from west to east.

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read the original article here.

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