Admira and St. Pölten:

Farewells with dignity, tears and cold ignorance

24.05.2024 09:00

Stephan Zwierschitz and Christian Ramsebner, the captains of Admira and St. Pölten, went overboard - but the end was completely different for both of them.

He led the team onto the pitch with his two children in his arms, was presented with a photo collage by the club and the fans celebrated him in the curve - the farewell to Admira captain Stephan Zwierschitz on Monday in the second division match against Vienna was a truly dignified one. After a total of nine years and 267 games for the Südstädter, the defensive all-rounder listened to his body's signals and ended his professional career, continuing in the lower division as a player-coach in his home town of Sommerein. "The closer we got to the end, the more difficult it became," the 33-year-old recalls the last few weeks.

He couldn't hide his tears at the final act, with memories of the Cup final, Europa League qualifiers and the legendary victories against Austria and Rapid at the Happel Oval running through his mind once again. "It was all incredibly emotional, Admira is simply a great club ..."

Stephan Zwierschitz (left) in his last game for Admira. (Bild: GEPA pictures/ Manuel Binder)
Stephan Zwierschitz (left) in his last game for Admira.

St. Pölten would also like to be the latter, but are miles away from it. SKN's captain Christian Ramsebner also said goodbye, but the ceremony was very different. Not at all. There was only cold ignorance. "I decided myself that I was leaving." His contract expires at the end of the season, the club would not have extended it, but nobody told the defensive boss. "There's nobody left who could have done that," Ramsebner says, referring to the chaotic situation at Traisen. Three years ago, the Upper Austrian came from LASK to lead SKN back into the Bundesliga. "In the first year we lacked quality, in the second we ran out of steam at the end, in the third we weren't stable enough as a team to conceal what was going on all around us."

The steadfast captain Ramsebner (left) bids farewell to St. Pölten. (Bild: GEPA pictures/ Walter Luger)
The steadfast captain Ramsebner (left) bids farewell to St. Pölten.

The final round will take place on Saturday. Zwierschitz is suspended in Bregenz, Ramsebner, who wants to stay in the professional game, is missing in Horn due to injury. The farewell is done, the last impression forms the look back . . .

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read the original article here.

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