Knife in the chest

Attempted double murder: father and son charged

23.05.2024 13:26

Following a stabbing that left two seriously injured on Reumannplatz in Vienna-Favoriten, the public prosecutor's office has now charged a 22-year-old man and his 45-year-old father with attempted double murder. The indictment submitted to the regional court is already legally binding, confirmed court spokeswoman Christina Salzborn.

The two accused men are Chechens by birth, the victims, aged 18 and 21, are from Syria.

Syrian is said to have "stared at him"
The incident took place on the evening of March 1, 2024, after the 22-year-old Chechen and one of the two Syrians had come to blows a few hours earlier. According to the indictment, the 22-year-old felt provoked by the man because the man, who was a complete stranger to him, was allegedly "staring" at him. This led to a verbal argument that turned into a brawl. The harassed Syrian is said to have headbutted the Chechen and then received a punch. To prevent further blows, the Syrian used a pepper spray, which put an end to the brawl ...

Father and son armed with knives
Late in the evening, however, the opponents ran into each other again at Reumannplatz, with the Syrian being accompanied by nine compatriots and the Chechen having his father with him. According to the indictment, the young Chechen pulled out a folding knife with a blade length of eleven centimeters and attacked his opponent with it, while his father held the other Syrians at bay with a knife he had also drawn and prevented them from coming to the aid of their friend. The 22-year-old stabbed his opponent in the chest. The father and son then tried to flee the scene.

Stabbed in the thoracic artery
However, one of the Syrians, who had witnessed the attack on his friend, took up the chase when the Chechens tried to disappear. He ran after them and was suddenly stabbed as well. The fact that he survived the attack at all is astonishing, as one stab opened the chest cavity and went into the thoracic artery. The lung was also damaged. However, the man was saved. However, onlookers had prevented the emergency services from providing first aid. The police were also disturbed during the official action and the arrest of the two suspects.

Due to the numerous incidents in recent months, a large-scale weapons ban zone was imposed on Reumannplatz and the adjacent areas. (Bild: Peter Tomschi)
Due to the numerous incidents in recent months, a large-scale weapons ban zone was imposed on Reumannplatz and the adjacent areas.

The public prosecutor's office has established that the 22-year-old stabbed the victim with intent to kill in both cases. His father was charged with being a contributing offender. It is not yet clear when the two Chechens will be tried. A specific trial date has yet to be set, said court spokeswoman Salzborn.

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