966 million project

Linz regional light rail now fully on track

23.05.2024 11:20

It is a milestone for politicians: the federal government is investing EUR 470 million to put the light rail system in Linz on track. The official contracts for the project, which is worth almost one billion euros, were signed this morning in Linz between the state, the federal government and the city of Linz.

It was a complicated back and forth, but in the end the Linz regional light rail mega-project made it to the highest level of the Republic: on Wednesday, the Council of Ministers officially waved through the almost one billion euro public transport project in the central Upper Austrian region. Subject to approval by the National Council - which is considered a formal act - the federal government will cover 50% of the costs for the public transport project in Linz. The state will pay 42.5% of the total sum, the city of Linz 7.5% - whereby the city's contribution is capped at EUR 50 million.

272 million more than originally assumed
In the presentation to the Council of Ministers, signed by ÖVP Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) and Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens), the project is estimated to cost a total of EUR 939.26 million. In a 15a agreement, the federal government pledges to cover 469.63 million euros. Interesting: Initially, there was talk of a total volume of 667 million euros, but this has now increased by 272 million euros.

We have factored in the maximum construction costs and securities
Günther Steinkellner, Provincial Councillor for Infrastructure, explains why this is the case: "The costs are not getting out of hand. The maximum possible costs have been set so that there are no problems during implementation. You have to factor in possible inflation, but that is speculation because nobody knows in which direction everything will develop. We have factored in the maximum construction costs and securities," says the provincial councillor, who believes that the cost plan will hold.

Today, Thursday, the responsible ministers, State Premier Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) and his deputy Manfred Haimbuchner (FPÖ) - standing in for Steinkellner - symbolically sealed this act with their signatures. And what happens next?

First light rail streetcars already rolling in 2026
Following the decision in the National Council, the ground-breaking ceremony will take place in 2027 at the earliest. According to the country's planners, measures such as ground clearance are necessary before the first excavators can be driven in. Nevertheless, the first 20 streetcars will be running through Linz as early as 2026 - but on other routes until the lines for the Regio-Bahn are completed. The project is scheduled for completion by 2032.

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