Reds professional insulted

Everyone clapped for Jürgen Klopp – except for him

23.05.2024 07:02

Last Sunday, the team gathered on the pitch for the last time to stand in the trellis for Jürgen Klopp and pay their respects by clapping. However, one player didn't feel like it and stood stoically between his team-mates.

Videos on X and Co. show Darwin Nunez - hands clasped in front of his stomach - also standing in the line, but not giving the starting coach a single clap as he bids farewell to Liverpool FC.

Only second choice
Why the insulting gesture? Apparently the Uruguayan was unhappy with his short playing time, as the striker only came on as a substitute in the 71st minute against Wolverhampton. In general, Nunez did not really get out of the joker role in the second half of the season, and the 24-year-old was correspondingly defiant after the game.

Is the air thick between Darwin Nunez and Jürgen Klopp? (Bild: AFP or licensors)
Is the air thick between Darwin Nunez and Jürgen Klopp?

The goalscorer's Instagram profile also shows that he is not exactly on cloud nine with Liverpool. Between several photos in Uruguayan underwear, there is not a single picture in Liverpool uniform to be found. Could this be a farewell to Anfield?

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read the original article here.

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