Over Whitsun

Charges for climate stickers and thousands of speeding offenders

21.05.2024 16:00

The police take stock over Whitsun: 3052 speeding fines, 42 traffic accidents and 34 drunk drivers caught. And there were also charges for some climate stickers.

Traffic on the Salzburg Tauern freeway was stuck in a traffic jam for what felt like the entire Whitsun weekend - the "Krone" reported. One group of people ended up being reported to the police for an illegal demonstration.

They stuck for an hour and a half

This refers to the climate stickers that were stuck to the asphalt of the A10 near Hallein on Saturday, while all the other drivers were stuck in the traffic jam for up to five hours in some cases.

After an hour and a half, police officers were able to remove the "Last Generation" activists from the road - no arrests were necessary, according to the police's Whitsun report.

Pensioner had a blood alcohol level of 3.2

The weekend was also marked by priority checks: A total of 3052 speeding offenders were punished. Officers also pulled 34 drivers out of traffic for being under the influence of alcohol: A local senior citizen (72) is likely to have topped the drink-driving rankings with an alcohol content of 3.2 per mille. The man was caught in Lungau and had to surrender his driver's license, as did a Turkish driver (45), who was probably looking too deeply into his glass at the Salzburg Dult - the alcohol tester showed 1.8 per mille during the check at the exhibition center.

In Maishofen, on the other hand, the traffic police noticed the conspicuous driving style of a man from Pinzgau (25): It quickly became clear that the man was driving his car while high on cocaine. A total of 17 drivers had to surrender their driving license last weekend. There were also a total of 46 road accidents over the Whitsun weekend, in which 42 people were injured. Nevertheless, there were no fatalities this year.

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