End of career at 29

“Football no longer filled me with joy”

17.05.2024 17:30

Blau-Weiß-Linz professional Michael Brandner ends his active career at the end of the season. The past season was a very tough time for the 29-year-old. The Salzburg native is now returning to his roots at the Red Bull Academy, where it all began.

After eleven years as a professional footballer, Michael Brandner will call it a day on Saturday in the final round of the Bundesliga. "The decision has matured over the past weeks and months," explains the 29-year-old. "Football on the pitch no longer filled me with such joy." Even though promotion to the Bundesliga in the summer with him as captain was one of the highlights of his career ("It fills me with pride"), he went through hell in the Bundesliga this season. In the top division, he was sidelined by coach Gerald Scheiblehner, making just seven appearances and playing a meagre 195 minutes.

"That was a tough school, also for the psyche," the midfielder went through difficult months. "I came out stronger and am now really looking forward to my new task." This is in his home town of Salzburg. Brandner will work as team manager at second division club Liefering in the future. "Over the last year or two, I've sensed that I was drawn back to Salzburg. I'm super grateful that Red Bull is giving me this opportunity," said the midfielder, looking forward to his new job.

Sporting director praises Brandner for his attitude
From the summer, he will move into his new office where he once enjoyed his soccer education. After the Red Bull Academy, he finally moved to blue and white via Ried and Wiener Neustadt. Since 2019, he has played 116 games there and scored ten goals. "Even though the last year wasn't easy, he always behaved like an absolute professional and always did everything he could to ensure the team's success," said sporting director Christoph Schößwendter. The club will bid Brandner a fitting farewell in his final home game against Austria Vienna on Saturday.

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