ÖSV girl remains cool:

“I now see it as additional motivation”

13.05.2024 18:25

In 2020, Amanda Salzgeber from Vorarlberg snatched combined gold at the Youth Olympic Games in Switzerland. After that, she was repeatedly slowed down by injuries and health problems, most recently not competing in any races for almost a year. But now the 22-year-old is back, even though she experienced a "surprise" after last season.

Spring 2023: Amanda Salzgeber is diagnosed with Lyme disease and mononucleosis - it is unclear at this point when and how things will continue for the then 21-year-old. "Every movement was extremely strenuous for me," says "Mandy" looking back. But she didn't give up, managed to get her health problems under control after several months and slowly started back into fitness training at the beginning of August.

On November 20, the Montafon native was back on skis for the first time, and just one month later she came fifth in her race comeback at a FIS giant slalom in St. Lambrecht, Styria. On March 12, Salzgeber then won a FIS RTL at Holmenkollen (Norway), scoring her best FIS points with 24.80 points and cheering: "I'm incredibly happy that I didn't give up and that I'm back now."

Her motivation for the new season is correspondingly high. "Considering I had to take a year off, I wasn't dissatisfied with my skiing," says the Bartholomäberg native, who started the 2024/25 winter with a few days of skiing in Sölden last week. "But it's clear that the results weren't yet where I want to be and possibly where I could be."

"Found out about it on Instagram"
Her demotion from the ÖSV B squad to the C squad came as a surprise to the head skier. "I found out about it on Instagram," says Amanda, who continues to train with the European Cup group under neo-head coach Reinhard Fernsebner. "I was a bit surprised, but I now see it as additional motivation.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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