Excitement in the penalty area

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05.05.2024 20:03

SK Rapid celebrated a 2-0 win against Red Bull Salzburg on Sunday, but also benefited from a controversial refereeing decision. Karim Konate was brutally brought down in the Hütteldorf penalty area, but no penalty was awarded and instead Burgstaller scored for the home side on the counter-attack. Even Rapid coach Robert Klauß had to admit: "That's a penalty." Find out what the German and other protagonists had to say after the final whistle here.

Robert Klauß (Rapid coach):
"This win is for our supporters, the fans, the people around us who suffered a lot on Wednesday. We sent them a signal that they can believe in us, that we can get up again. That's also a quality. You can fall down, but you always have to get up again. We showed that today. The VAR was on our side today, luck has to come back at some point."

(Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)

Onur Cinel (Salzburg coach):
"We lacked a lot of penetration in the first half, didn't become compelling enough. We simply didn't play well enough in the second half. Rapid won the few 50:50 duels where it got really physical. And there were also a few controversial refereeing decisions. Basically, I look at us first and foremost, we didn't play well enough. We got a bit of a template with the draw in the Sturm game, we had set our sights high. We have to manage to deliver our top performance in the last two games. With a lot of will, power and intensity in all phases of the game. We owe that to ourselves and our spectators, our fans."

Leopold Querfeld (Rapid defender):
"The ingredients for victory? A lot of passion. To be able to play a game like this against such a club so soon after such a big defeat was something cool, because we were able to make up for something. A few days ago, the whole club was very disappointed. We as a team also know what we're capable of. I think everyone in the stadium was happy that we won against Salzburg again after a very long time."

Strahinja Pavlovic (Salzburg defender):
"It's not an easy situation. We were five points ahead, but we lost everything in a few weeks. We didn't always play at one hundred percent and had some unfortunate moments. Really bad situations happened to us. I don't want to talk about the referees, our performance wasn't at a good level. That was the key."

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