East Tyrolean winner:

“Gauder Hogmoar is a lifelong goal for Ranggler”

04.05.2024 21:07

The powerhouse Lukas Mattersberger from Matrei in East Tyrol won the "Gauder Hogmoar" 2024. Why it took two attempts in the final ...

The unloved plan B - wrestling on 70 m² in the sports hall - could stay in the drawer, because after overnight rain the sun was shining in Zell am Ziller. So 187 young and old powerhouses battled for victory in the sports arena (120 m²).

The final on the sports field after almost six hours: Lukas Mattersberger (above) and Stefan Gastl fought a fierce battle for the "Hogmoar". (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
The final on the sports field after almost six hours: Lukas Mattersberger (above) and Stefan Gastl fought a fierce battle for the "Hogmoar".

Ranggeln fascinates a wide audience
Flanked by thousands of spectators, there was a wide range of spectators: from dirndl wearers cheering on their sons or boyfriends to Ranggler legends commenting with a Gauder Bock in their hands.

Fun is also allowed in between: a groom (below) at the polter climbed into the arena to be really screwed by the "Hogmoar 2023", Philip Holzer. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Fun is also allowed in between: a groom (below) at the polter climbed into the arena to be really screwed by the "Hogmoar 2023", Philip Holzer.

Chairman's prophecy didn't come true this time
"I have a feeling that an outsider will win today," mused Toni Wurm, chairman of the Zillertal Ranggler and Judo Club, as the first Rangglers slipped into their tear-proof canvas garments.

A Ranggel arena straight out of a picture book: because the weather cooperated after a wet Friday, the "Hogmoar" could be crowned on the sports field. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
A Ranggel arena straight out of a picture book: because the weather cooperated after a wet Friday, the "Hogmoar" could be crowned on the sports field.

For once, he wasn't right with his prediction, as one of the favorites took the "Hogmoar" title in 2024 after around six hours of spectacle: Lukas Mattersberger from Matrei in East Tyrol. In the final against Stefan Gastl (Brixental/Wildschönau club), he was already celebrating victory after one throw.

"Tiroler Krone" editor-in-chief Claus Meinert presented Lukas Mattersberger with the trophy. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
"Tiroler Krone" editor-in-chief Claus Meinert presented Lukas Mattersberger with the trophy.
Ranggler chairman Toni Wurm with Franz Pitschmann, wrestling legend and 1985 "Hogmoar" (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Ranggler chairman Toni Wurm with Franz Pitschmann, wrestling legend and 1985 "Hogmoar"
Provincial Councillor for Sport Georg Dornauer and his girlfriend Alessia Ambrosi also appeared at the Gauder-Ranggeln. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Provincial Councillor for Sport Georg Dornauer and his girlfriend Alessia Ambrosi also appeared at the Gauder-Ranggeln.

"Winner" had to fight on after all
Debates ensued - a wrong decision? After two minutes, the fight actually continued and ended in a draw. Mattersberger became "Hogmoar" due to the better times in his preliminary fights.

"Go full throttle" as a simple recipe for success
"A lifelong goal for every ranggler", beamed the muscleman and overhead line fitter after his second place last year, having previously finished third once. The new champion's recipe for success: "I simply gave it my all."

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