15 products conspicuous

Carcinogens found in creams and eye shadow

02.05.2024 16:00

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are said to increase the risk of kidney and testicular cancer and cause developmental damage in unborn children. The Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor has detected the dangerous substance in 15 cosmetic products.

Together with the organization "Die Umweltberatung", the consumer advocates of the Chamber of Labour took random samples of cosmetic products and tested them for PFAS compounds.

Well-known brands also affected
The result: the chemical was detected in 15 products such as face creams, face masks, eye shadows and powders, including cosmetics from well-known brands such as L'Oreal, Biotherm and Douglas.

Chemical hardly degradable
PFAS are considered "eternal chemicals" because they are very resistant to influences such as heat, moisture or chemicals and are therefore hardly degradable.

Pass into breast milk
The substances enter the body via air, skin, water or food, where they bind to proteins in the blood and are only excreted extremely slowly. Particularly dangerous: they pass into breast milk and thus enter the child's organism.

Increased risk of cancer
Possible health effects include increased cholesterol levels, developmental damage in unborn children or kidney and testicular cancer in adults.

Tips for avoiding PFAS

  • Look for the Austrian Ecolabel or EU Ecolabel on cosmetic products
  • The word "fluorine" in the ingredients may indicate a PFAS compound
  • App "ToxFox" recognizes when scanning barcodes whether there is PFAS in the product
  • Make your own cosmetic products, instructions at www.umweltberatung.at/naturkosmetik
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