38 games so far

Kuchler extends contract in Linz until 2027

02.05.2024 20:00

Kuchler Simon Seidl has extended his contract with Bundesliga club Blau-Weiß Linz. The 21-year-old moved to Upper Austria in the summer of 2022.

Having successfully avoided relegation, Blau-Weiß Linz can now look to the future. The Bundesliga club recently took up the option to extend Simon Seidl's contract until 2025 and have now announced that they have extended the Salzburg native's contract early until 2027. "Simon has made great progress over the course of the last season and is now a very important part of our team. I'm delighted that we've been able to extend his contract early until 2027, despite the fact that he has an option. We are convinced that he will continue to develop very well and that he has the best prerequisites for this here at FC Blau-Weiß Linz," Christoph Schößwendter, sports director of Blau-Weiß Linz, was quoted as saying in a press release.

The brother of Rapid player Matthias Seidl moved to Linz in the summer of 2022 and has since played 38 competitive matches and scored five goals. "Together with the team, the club and our fans, we have achieved the major goal of staying in the league. Now our full focus is on the remaining three games of the season, where we can achieve our bonus goal of reaching the European Cup play-off semi-finals. I want to achieve a lot more with the team in the coming years," says Simon Seidl.

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