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Climate plan: Everyone submits, except Austria

29.04.2024 13:17

The coalition dispute surrounding the Austrian climate plan is now causing displeasure all the way to Brussels. All countries have now submitted their respective plans, only those from Austria are still outstanding, according to the EU Commission on Monday. In the meantime, infringement proceedings are already underway.

On Monday in Brussels, the European Commission once again called on Austria to submit its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The Brussels authority opened infringement proceedings in December 2023 because Austria had not sent its draft NECP to Brussels on time.

Final submission deadline is fast approaching
The NECPs outline how the Member States intend to achieve their energy and climate targets for 2030. All Member States must submit their final, updated plans by June 30, 2024, taking into account the EU Commission's recommendations and individual assessments. The drafts had to be submitted a year in advance so that the Commission can still make suggestions for improvement.

Environment Minister Gewessler (right) actually submitted her plan long ago - but Europe Minister Edtstadler (left) sees no consensus in the government. (Bild: APA, Krone KREATIV)
Environment Minister Gewessler (right) actually submitted her plan long ago - but Europe Minister Edtstadler (left) sees no consensus in the government.

Gewessler submitted plan, ÖVP withdrew it
The Austrian Climate Ministry sent the Austrian draft to Brussels in October, several months late. Shortly afterwards, however, the ministry of Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) withdrew the draft on the grounds that it only reflected the position of the climate ministry and not that of the government.

Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) disagreed: the other ministries had been involved in the NECP and their proposals had been taken on board.

Infringement proceedings only against Austria
Infringement proceedings are initiated when a Member State fails to comply with EU legislation. In the final instance, the Commission can refer the case to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

The Commission has now closed the infringement proceedings that were initiated in December against Bulgaria and Poland for failing to submit their plans. This leaves Austria as the only defaulting country.
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