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Puma the cat fought his way back to life!

27.04.2024 07:58

At the beginning of March, the beloved tomcat of the Lower Austrian riding and therapy center Tullnerfeld was found seriously injured. Then "Puma's" fight for survival began. Numerous "Krone" readers supported the small association with the high veterinary costs. After weeks of anxiety, now the good news!

Badly injured and with the last of his strength, tomcat "Puma" dragged himself back to his home at the beginning of March, to the yard of the Reittreff Tullnerfeld (Lower Austria). From this point on, his fight for survival began in a veterinary clinic.

Following an appeal for donations in the "Krone" newspaper and thanks to the financial support of our "Friends of the Animal Corner" association, his family was able to pay for the costs of the operations and the ongoing hospital stay, but it was not clear for a long time whether "Puma" would survive the ordeal or have to be put down.

Tragic picture after the accident (Bild: Reittreff Tullnerfeld)
Tragic picture after the accident

The long road back to life
Stephanie Distl (chairwoman of the riding club) created her own homepage about the worrying time, also to create transparency about the need for donations.

Weeks passed before the good news from Stephanie: "'Puma' is back home! He is currently living indoors because he has unfortunately not yet fully regained his bladder function and we therefore have to clean his bladder about six times a day. An effort that we are more than happy to take on! He has recently stopped needing medication. He eats, plays and sleeps - so it's (almost) a completely normal cat's life! He will soon be able to accompany the children to therapy sessions again."

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Once again, the quote: "You can't save all the animals in the world, but you can save an animal's whole world" fits perfectly! Our animal corner would also like to thank every single donor.

(Bild: ORF/Günther Pichlkostner)

Maggie Entenfellner, Ressortleiterin „Krone“-Tierecke

Community is something special. It is a feeling of solidarity and cohesion that makes us want to be there for each other and achieve great things together. In the case of "Puma", both the donations and the many words of encouragement to the family have helped them not to give up. Stephanie: "A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has supported and accompanied 'Puma'!"

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