Sudden turnaround

Has the mystery been solved? Drugs were served as an appetizer

25.04.2024 06:00

A family from Flachgau ended up in hospital under mysterious circumstances on Monday evening. It is now clear what may have happened. And: neither gas nor food were the culprits ...

Under mysterious circumstances, a family of six in Obertrum was admitted to two hospitals in the city of Salzburg on Monday evening. Even emergency doctors and a helicopter were deployed - the "Krone" reported.

At first it was suspected that gas or a chemical had escaped, but then food poisoning was suspected. Leftover food was even taken to the AGES laboratory in Vienna and a microbiological examination was ordered.

A rescue operation was carried out in Obertrum on Monday. A family had acute symptoms of poisoning. (Bild: Markus Tschepp)
A rescue operation was carried out in Obertrum on Monday. A family had acute symptoms of poisoning.

Only three-year-old child without symptoms
The pancakes with green filling, which were half eaten at the table, suggested that the culprit was on the plate. Now, however, the suspicion has turned to something completely different. According to "Krone" information, neither gas nor food are likely to be the culprits for the acute symptoms of poisoning. The entire family had probably consumed drugs before dinner.

It is likely that an overdose of cannabis and the delayed effect surprised the Flachgau family at dinner. The served pancakes were left on the plates. The adults staggered outside and waited for the emergency services. Only the three-year-old toddler remained without symptoms of poison, as has only now become known.

Several emergency doctors, the Red Cross, fire department and police were deployed to the family home that evening. (Bild: Tschepp Markus)
Several emergency doctors, the Red Cross, fire department and police were deployed to the family home that evening.

Drug experiment could still have repercussions
The Red Cross, emergency doctor and fire department did not yet know what had really happened when they were alerted shortly after 8 p.m. on Monday. On Tuesday, everything pointed to a poisonous "doppelganger" of wild garlic as the culprit for the symptoms of poisoning, but on Wednesday things took a turn for the worse. It only slowly became clear that drugs may have been involved. The police are currently only ruling out the possibility that the poisoning was caused by someone else.

In the meantime, the family from the tranquil town of Obertrum has returned home from hospital. It is still unclear whether all the people involved in the drug experiment - the eldest is 72 years old - actually consumed cannabis voluntarily. However, the matter could still have legal repercussions.

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