Threw leaflets

Self-immolation in front of Trump court: man is dead

20.04.2024 10:12

The man who set himself on fire in a park outside the courthouse in New York on Friday during the ongoing criminal trial against former US President Donald Trump - reports - is dead, according to US media reports.

The 37-year-old succumbed to his injuries in hospital on Saturday night, as several US media outlets unanimously reported, citing police sources. Investigators identified him as Maxwell Azzarello and described him as "some kind of conspiracy theorist".

Azzarello had tried to distribute leaflets in the park opposite the court that were apparently "based on propaganda", the police explained. He had written about Ponzi schemes and complained that some educational institutions were "fronts for the mafia".

(Bild: AFP/Getty Images/Spencer Platt)

Leaflets thrown into the air before the attack
According to media reports and eyewitnesses, the man, who was reportedly from the US state of Florida, had thrown leaflets in the air before the crime on Friday, which mentioned various conspiracy theories.

The man reportedly doused himself with a liquid and set himself alight in front of bystanders. Videos from eyewitnesses showed him on fire and falling to the ground. Police officers rushed to extinguish the fire.

Man pronounced dead in hospital
A correspondent from the AFP news agency saw burnt clothes in the park and reported a strong smell of burning chemicals.
The man was then carried into a rescue car and led away. The man was pronounced dead at the hospital, the NBC channel reported, citing the police. An exact time of death was not given, it said.

The incident took place in Collect Pond Park, directly opposite the courthouse where the criminal trial against Trump is currently taking place. The courthouse is extensively cordoned off and numerous police officers are on permanent duty there.

Only a few demonstrators on the days of the trial
Opponents and supporters of Trump are allowed to gather for demonstrations in the park, but so far only a few have done so on the days of the trial. The area is cordoned off all around with barricades, but also has open access.
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