Ghosting on the rise

More and more companies are now falling victim to a dating phenomenon

21.04.2024 14:00

Many people find that they lose contact with others without warning when looking for a partner online. Now this phenomenon is spilling over into the job market. More and more companies are falling victim to ghosting in their search for new employees. What can be done about it? We asked HR consultant Bettina Kern.

Without warning, the other person no longer gets in touch or responds - this is how the phenomenon known as ghosting, which is omnipresent in the online dating world, is described. However, the sudden loss of contact is also becoming increasingly common in the world of work.

"It's always happened to some extent, but it's increasing," says recruitment consultant Bettina Kern, who places IT specialists and technicians with her team.

Bettina Kern (44) and her team at "Kern engineering careers" place IT specialists and technicians with companies. (Bild: Markus Wenzel)
Bettina Kern (44) and her team at "Kern engineering careers" place IT specialists and technicians with companies.

Where does ghosting happen? When candidates are called several times after the interview, "but they never get in touch again", says Kern. The fact that many things are more impersonal nowadays seems to fuel ghosting. In almost all cases, applicants and companies only meet virtually for the first time.

"Rejection is a question of decency"
"If you've already had ten other interviews, perhaps even several on the same day, the company is a number for you," says Kern, who nevertheless has no sympathy for people dropping out: "For me, it's a question of decency to turn someone down."

Apart from that, it happens more often that employees who have accepted a job with a company don't take it up: "People often cancel during the notice period they have with their existing employer because they have increased their salary."

Relationship work even before the first day of work
The phase between the "yes" and the first day of work is therefore becoming more important in the still competitive job market: this is where companies need to build relationships. "This can be a photo of the workplace that you send or an invitation to meet the team - there are a thousand possibilities."

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