Speed limit changed

Brettfall construction site: the concept works

19.04.2024 08:00

Traffic chaos or not? The mega construction site in the front Zillertal has been running since April 8. First lessons learned: The traffic posts are not needed, the speed in the tunnel has been increased.

The general renovation of the Brettfall Tunnel - as reported by the "Krone" - will affect the already congested Zillertal until 2026. Since April 8, traffic into the valley has been running in one lane through the tunnel, while out of the valley vehicles roll through the village on the Rotholzer Landesstraße.

Extensive excavation work for cables is necessary. (Bild: Land Tirol)
Extensive excavation work for cables is necessary.

15 minutes lost in morning traffic
An initial conclusion: there are noticeable traffic jams, especially in the morning hours between 8 and 9 a.m., when rush-hour traffic flows out of the valley. "The Zillertalbahn level crossing is a critical point," reports a local resident. Delays of 15 minutes can be heard again and again on the traffic radio.

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It is very pleasing that the first few days have gone smoothly. Nevertheless, we will continue to monitor the situation closely.

Josef Geisler (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LHStv. Josef Geisler

Traffic flows even without manual instruction
However, there is no need for the traffic marshals assigned in the first week, who manually controlled access to the Astholz district or were posted at the traffic circle in Strass. "They can be reactivated quickly if necessary," promises the responsible LR Josef Geisler.

The traffic posts can be withdrawn for the time being. (Bild: zoom.tirol)
The traffic posts can be withdrawn for the time being.

The tunnel construction site was previously subject to a general 30 km/h speed limit. Since yesterday, 50 km/h is now permitted outside working hours (between 5 and 8 pm). Work is currently focusing on the renovation of the operations building (south side), new stopping bays and a new extinguishing water pipe.

Detour on the Arlberg without snow problems
The Arlberg tunnel has also been a construction site since Monday. Asfinag reports that the detour over the 1793-metre-high pass has been working so far despite the onset of winter. "The provincial road maintenance services on the pass are doing a perfect job of winter road maintenance," praises Asfinag spokesperson Alexander Holzedl.

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1.0x Geschwindigkeit
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