Perpetrator still on the run

Bank robber loses tens of thousands of euros after coup

17.04.2024 15:00

After the armed robbery at a bank in Innsbruck on Tuesday, there is still no trace of the perpetrator. It is still unclear whether the criminal made a lot of loot. Part of the loot - several tens of thousands of euros - was lost during the escape. Investigators are still hoping for clues.

Tuesday morning, 11.27 a.m.: A masked and armed perpetrator stormed into the BTV branch on Mitterweg in Innsbruck, grabbed an employee present in the counter room and threatened her with a firearm. "He demanded in English that the safe be opened and that cash be handed over," say investigators from the Tyrol Criminal Police Office.

Safe opened, cash handed over
Other employees were also present in the branch at the time of the crime. "After the employee had opened the safe with a key, she handed over the requested cash," the investigators continue. The perpetrator then fled on foot, possibly via the nearby sports field.

The perpetrator was filmed by the surveillance cameras. (Bild: Tiroler Polizei)
The perpetrator was filmed by the surveillance cameras.

Banknotes lost on the run
Passers-by had already reported on Tuesday that the perpetrator had lost banknotes in the process. It has now been revealed that it was a considerable sum of money. The LKA speaks of a medium, five-digit euro amount, i.e. several tens of thousands of euros! The total amount of loss - it is still unclear how much money the perpetrator was ultimately able to "keep" - is not yet known.

In any case, the bank robber was able to go into hiding. An alarm search was unsuccessful. The employees present remained unharmed. Investigations are underway to track down the perpetrator. The man, who was around 1.70 meters tall and between 25 and 40 years old, was wearing a mask, light-colored jogging pants, dark outerwear with light-colored stripes on the chest and black sneakers with white soles. He was also carrying a black shoulder bag.

Any useful information or suspicious sightings should be reported to the LKA Tirol on: 059 133/70 3333.

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