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European ruler announces abdication

17.04.2024 09:12

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, King Philippe of Belgium and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg posed together in front of Laeken Castle on Tuesday before the state banquet during the visit of Luxembourg's ruling couple. The Grand Duke is now making the headlines.

The Grand Duke celebrated his 69th birthday on April 16, 2024 and confirmed at the beginning of his 70th year that he will abdicate. "There are plans, it will happen," he said in a television program.

Date already set
He also told the daily newspaper "La Libre" that he would make way for his eldest son, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume. He even said that he already knew the exact date, but did not want to reveal it yet.

All future plans would be discussed with his entire family and the involvement of all family members was crucial for him.

Abdications common
In contrast to the British monarchy, abdications are common in Luxembourg.

Henri himself became Grand Duke in October 2000 when his father, Grand Duke Jean, abdicated in his favor after 36 years of regency.

Henri has been on the throne for 24 years. It is conceivable that he will wish to abdicate after his 70th birthday and his 25th anniversary on the throne in October 2025.

Last year, Queen Margrethe II abdicated the crown on the day of her 52nd anniversary and handed it over to her eldest son Frederik.

Five children
The Grand Duke and his wife Maria Teresa, 68, have five children, Guillaume (42), Prince Félix (39), Prince Louis (37), Princess Alexandra (33) and Prince Sébastien (31).

Heir to the throne Guillaume of Luxembourg and his wife Stéphanie have two sons, Prince Charles, who will be four years old in May, and Prince François (1).

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