What the law says

Weapons ban zone: € 3600 fine for pocket knives

17.04.2024 05:50

Weapons ban zones in Austria are fixed! In future, you could face imprisonment or a fine of 3600 euros. The "Krone" has the (sometimes curious) details.

Article X of the federal law, with the unwieldy title "Knife Carry Prohibition Act", will effectively ban stabbing weapons from public spaces in future.

The "Krone" was leaked the three-page text of the law (see facsimile below):

The government wants a law banning the carrying of knives in future (see tear-out) (Bild: zVg)
The government wants a law banning the carrying of knives in future (see tear-out)

A weapons exclusion zone applies here
In future, the following areas will be considered weapons prohibited zones: local areas, built-up areas outside built-up areas, parks and sports facilities, leisure parks, events such as tent and fire department festivals, public transport, schools and kindergartens.

Austria becomes a weapons ban zone (Bild: Willfried Gredler-Oxenbauer / picturedesk.com)
Austria becomes a weapons ban zone

Knives from minors are also confiscated
Knives seized, even from minors who are still of criminal age, will be confiscated by the police and declared forfeited - and will therefore be the property of the federal government in future. The penalties range up to a fine of 3600 euros or six weeks imprisonment!

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Nobody can tell me that I have to be out and about in public places armed to the teeth with knives that serve as weapons.

Gerhard Karner (Bild: APA/Georg Hochmuth)

ÖVP-Innenminister Gerhard Karner beim „Krone“-Interview zu seinem Vorstoß

These are the exceptions
It is still permitted to carry a knife, but not within easy reach. For example, in the trunk of a car, not in the center console, and on foot in a rucksack, shopping basket or bag.

According to the 2023 crime statistics, seven people are attacked with a stabbing weapon every day in Austria. (Bild: stock.adobe.com, BMI, Picturedesk/Willfried Gredler-Oxenbauer, Krone KREATIV)
According to the 2023 crime statistics, seven people are attacked with a stabbing weapon every day in Austria.

Other exceptions are for holders of gun ownership cards, hunters, certain members of the military, preservation of customs, historical processions, film productions or for snacking. The sale of knives at markets and fairs is also still permitted.

Here are some important questions and answers:

Am I allowed to have a picnic in a park with a "snack knife"?
Yes, because consumption of food. Transport to the park not within reach, in a container (rucksack).

Is a 30-year-old allowed to go for a walk with his sabre in Vienna?
No, because there is a general ban on weapons.

Are hunters allowed to carry knives in the local area?
Yes, because hunters are allowed to carry loaded firearms.

Am I allowed to carry a Swiss Army knife with a blade length of 55 mm in my trouser pocket when sightseeing?
No, because it is forbidden to carry knives in the local area - the blade length is not relevant here.

Can I have a knife for cutting mushrooms in the forest?
Yes - do not carry it into the forest in a container.

Can an electrician or craftsman carry a Stanley knife in the local area?
Yes, because it is part of their job. No, in his free time on a Sunday!

I am volunteering to help with renovation work and am therefore carrying a Stanley knife on foot to the building site. Am I allowed to do that?
Yes, manual work applies here.

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