Investigation underway

Tragic poisoning death of a dog: Mystery surrounding the crime scene

17.04.2024 06:00

Poison was allegedly laid out in front of the dog school in Spittal an der Drau - but the head of the association cast doubt on this in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper.

It was a sad police report from Spittal an der Drau: a sheepdog had died as a result of scattered rat poison. Unfortunately, such attacks are not uncommon - time and again, poison traps make the headlines. Bait is often even thrown onto private property. In this tragic case, however, the four-legged friend (at least according to the owner) was poisoned in the parking lot of the renowned dog school located in the Spittal wetlands.

However, the head of the association, Heidi Stranig, doubts this in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper: "There have never been any such incidents, sightings or indications of poisoned bait in our immediate vicinity." There have also been no complaints or self-confessed opponents. "A dog trainer and an owner were in the parking lot with their four-legged friends at the same time - and met the owner of the shepherd, who unfortunately died later, as they were walking past. But there was nothing there. Maybe there was something in a field or by the Drau."

"Can never be too careful"
Hilde Stranig does not understand why the owner assumes that it happened at the dressing area. But she is certain: "As a dog owner, you can never be too careful and you shouldn't always let your dog run free everywhere. Especially as, according to the Carinthian dog regulations, dogs must be kept on a lead until the end of July anyway."

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