"Happy sweet 16!"

Princess Eléonore celebrates an important birthday

16.04.2024 11:27

Princess Eléonore, the youngest daughter of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, turned 16 on Tuesday. An important date in the life of a young woman.

Threshold to adulthood
A girl's 16th birthday is a significant milestone that marks the transition into a new phase of life. It is the day when a girl officially crosses the threshold into adulthood and becomes a young woman.

The royal family lovingly congratulated the princess on social media with the words, "Happy sweet sixteen!", and published two recent photos showing Eléonore in a white blouse and blue pants on a staircase in the palace.

Fourth child
Princess Eléonore was born on April 16, 2008. As the fourth child of Their Majesties the King and Queen, Princess Eléonore enchants not only the royal family but the entire country with her grace and charm.

One remarkable quality of the Princess is her dedication to education. She completed her entire schooling in English at the International School of Brussels in order to obtain the International Baccalaureate.

Princess Eléonore is fluent in French, Dutch and English.

Heart for the community
Away from her royal duties, Princess Eléonore is a versatile and sporty person who plays the violin and can be found on the ski slopes, sailing or on the tennis court, where she puts her skills to the test.

During the coronavirus pandemic, she supported isolated elderly people in care homes. She offered comfort and support through regular telephone contact. She has also been actively involved in the youth movement for three years, particularly with the scouts. One of her godparents is Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

Her older sister Crown Princess Elizabeth is more in the spotlight, as she will one day ascend the Belgian throne. The 22-year-old is currently studying for a bachelor's degree in history and political science at Oxford University.

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