Find in Pompeii

Banquet hall with frescoes and mosaics uncovered

11.04.2024 13:25

An imposing banquet hall with elegant black walls decorated with mythological motifs from the Trojan War: This is the latest discovery in the archaeological city of Pompeii in southern Italy.

The room was recently discovered during excavation work on the archaeological site near the Vesuvius volcano and can now be seen in all its glory, the Ministry of Culture in Rome announced on Thursday.

Depictions of heroes and gods
The hall is decorated with frescoes and mosaics that can be dated to the third century. This can be deduced from the artistic quality of the paintings and the choice of subjects. The predominant theme is heroism. Heroes and gods are depicted in the Trojan War.

In addition to Helen and Paris, who is referred to by his other name "Alexandros" in a Greek inscription between the two figures, the figure of Cassandra, daughter of Priam, appears on the walls of the hall together with Apollo.

A fresco showing the figure of Cassandra, daughter of Priam, together with Apollo. (Bild: AFP/Parco Archeologico di Pompei)
A fresco showing the figure of Cassandra, daughter of Priam, together with Apollo.

Paintings were used to entertain guests
Mythological figures in the paintings in the living and public rooms of Roman houses had the function of entertaining guests and providing material for conversations and reflections on existence.

The hall measures around 15 meters in length and six meters in width and leads to an inner courtyard that looks like a service corridor, with a long staircase leading to the second floor of the house.

Buriedunder ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted
Pompeiiand its inhabitants were buried under ash, mud and lava when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. However, the city was partially preserved as a result. The city was rediscovered in the 18th century. The excavation site is one of the most popular sights in Italy and there are always sensational finds.
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