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Know how: Childcare and parental leave

11.04.2024 05:59

Parental leave models and childcare allowance are a complicated matter for parents. Chamber of Labor expert Lisa Wassner explains what is important and what cash benefits moms and dads are entitled to.

With income-related childcare allowance, if both parents are on parental leave, the cash benefit is generally due until the child is 14 months old. If only one parent takes parental leave, the childcare allowance is payable until the child is around 12 months old.

Up to two years of parental leave
Parental leave is defined as leave from work. This is possible until the child is 24 months old if the second parent also goes on parental leave for at least two months. The partner must return to work during this period.

If the parents opt for an overlapping, i.e. joint, month of parental leave, the maximum period of parental leave is reduced to the 23rd month of the child's life.

Clarify insurance cover
Please note: Once the cash benefit is over, you may no longer be insured, depending on the health insurance provider. In this case, it makes sense to clarify whether you can be co-insured with your partner.

It is therefore possible to remain at home on parental leave even after you have stopped receiving childcare allowance. If you are unsure or have any questions, you can contact the Styrian Chamber of Labor.

"Gewusst wie" is a service series of the "Krone" and the Chamber of Labor.

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