Tourism trains

Setting the course for the popular Reblaus Express

09.04.2024 16:00

Disillusionment after the passenger record! Although the Reblaus Express welcomed more than 30,000 excursionists in the 2023 season, fewer trains are running this year. As the "Krone" reported, there is now a partial solution. But this is also causing discussion.

On the day a corresponding "Krone" article appeared, Transport Minister Udo Landbauer (FPÖ) and Lower Austrian Railways presented a partial solution: three pairs of trains will run on all Saturdays in July. The last train on each of these Saturdays will run as a "sunset set".

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Our pleasure train combines tradition, culinary delights, wine enjoyment and a wonderful experience of nature. It should continue to bring families and guests to the region!

Verkehrslandesrat und Landesvize Udo Landbauer (FPÖ)

Landbauer: "I am clearly committed to the most beautiful train connection between the Waldviertel and the Weinviertel." A timetable change by ÖBB in Retz, the junction station used by ÖBB for journeys to the Czech Republic and the Lower Austrian railroads to Drosendorf, is to blame for the cancellations.

Ten mayors and experts from the region want "three pairs of trains again this year". (Bild: Linsbauer)
Ten mayors and experts from the region want "three pairs of trains again this year".

Local activists believe that operating three pairs of trains would have been feasible even after the timetable change. "In any case, we would have liked a solution for the entire tourist season," explains expert Helmut Greylinger. The alternative timetable from the region was also examined - "unfortunately not feasible", according to NÖ-Bahnen. Greylinger would nevertheless be open to further discussions with the state and Lower Austrian Railways: "There is still some time until the start of the season on 1 May."

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