After the pacemaker

There’s so much “Terminator” in Arnie now

27.03.2024 06:00

Last week, Schwarzenegger received a pacemaker - as the "Krone" knows, it was by no means his first hospitalization ...

"Last Monday I had an operation to become a bit more of a machine: I got a pacemaker", with these words and his usual dose of humor, Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed his fans a few days ago and was able to give the all-clear straight away: "First of all, I want to tell you that I'm fine! I had surgery on Monday, and on Friday I was already at a big environmental event with my friend and fitness colleague Jane Fonda. Nobody ever thought I'd start the week with an operation."

Heart-hip-ear instead of belly-leg-butt
News like this has become more frequent in recent years, and yet Arnie started "swapping parts" back in 1997, when, at the age of just 49, he had to go under the knife for the first time due to a congenital heart defect and had his aortic valve replaced.

This ailment was to haunt the Terminator for much longer, and he underwent a total of three (emergency) heart operations before his last procedure. Moments in which steroid abuse at a young age certainly didn't help improve his condition ...

The heart surgeries in 2018 and 2020 made headlines and fans around the world worried about the action star, who was still in front of the camera for "Terminator 6: Dark Fate" between the two dates. Of course, this begs the question: is this man really the indestructible killing machine that the whole world knows him to be?

Half man, half machine
In any case, it wasn't the broken femur he suffered in a skiing accident in 2006 or the shoulder operation in 2012, after which he shared a hospital room with Hollywood colleague and fellow sufferer Sylvester Stallone, that brought the now 76-year-old to his knees. There were flowers and get-well wishes for Arnie, and fans were able to enjoy some nice snapshots of the action duo.

In various motorcycle accidents - including one with his son Patrick on his lap - the Styrian broke several ribs and had to have 15 stitches in his lip. However, he also uses hearing aids and the car accident in 2022, in which a woman involved but not Schwarzenegger suffered injuries, was not caused by his artificial hip - he has known how to use it since 2002!

"Nobody would take a 40-year-old action stallion off my hands," admitted Schwarzenegger in an interview with the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" newspaper a few years ago, and he was right: the important thing is to choose the right spare part!

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