"Wanted it so much"

Tearful interview: Hathaway talks about miscarriage

26.03.2024 10:33

Anne Hathaway (41) went "through hell" in 2015. During her Broadway engagement, she played a pilot who gives birth to a child - while privately losing her child. The Hollywood star now recalled the pain in an interview.

When Anne Hathaway announced her pregnancy with her second son Jack on Instagram in June 2019, nobody knew what was actually going on inside the Hollywood actress.

The Oscar winner made public for the first time "the hell of infertility and conception" that her husband Adam Shulman (42) had to go through. It was not easy for the couple to get pregnant. In 2015, a year before the birth of their first son Jonathan, Anne suffered a miscarriage. She has now spoken about the tragic experience during her Broadway engagement in an interview with "Vanity Fair".

"Had to give birth on stage every night"
For six weeks, Anne Hathaway stood alone on stage at the Public Theater in New York for almost 85 minutes every night. In the Broadway play "Grounded", she portrayed a pregnant fighter pilot whose psyche was consumed by the human cost of war.

"I performed a play and had to give birth on stage every night," Anne recalled in the "Vanity Fair" cover story. In the midst of this commitment, which demanded everything from her, she lost her baby. "The first time didn't work out for me," said Hathaway looking back.

"I had to tell the truth"
One evening, Hathaway's friends came to see the performance and visited her backstage. Then she told them the truth. "It was too much for me to pretend on stage that everything was fine. I had to tell the truth, otherwise...".

Anne Hathaway paused briefly and then turned to her Instagram post from 2019. Because this unusually open post still means a lot to her today. She didn't just want to reveal that she was pregnant. "Given the pain I felt trying to get pregnant, it would have been disingenuous to post something completely happy when I know everyone's story is much more nuanced than that."

Hathaway breaks down in tears: "Hard to want something so badly"
Hathaway went on to explain, "Then when things were going well for me and I was on the other side, I wanted to let my sisters know: 'You don't always have to be gracious. I see you and I was you."

At these words, Hathaway's eyes filled with tears, according to Vanity Fair. She elaborated, "It's really hard to want something so badly and wonder if you're doing something wrong."

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