Heavy missile hits

Ukraine takes the last scare out of the Russian fleet

24.03.2024 20:35

Ukraine has dealt a heavy blow to the Russian Black Sea Fleet in a night-time air raid on the occupied Crimea. Two large landing ships were hit by missiles. Although without a functioning navy itself, Ukraine has significantly decimated the enemy fleet - and thus taken the fear out of it.

The Russian naval port of Sevastopol in Crimea, which was annexed in violation of international law, was once again the target of a Ukrainian attack during the night. Two landing ships of the "Ropukha" class, the "Yamal" and the "Azov" were hit, the military in Kiev announced on Sunday.

Russian command post destroyed
In addition, a command post in Sevastopol was destroyed, the Ukrainian agency Unian reported, citing underground fighters. At least 34 Russian soldiers, including eleven officers, were killed. At the nearby Belbek airport, three Russian fighter planes were damaged by falling debris from missiles.

Russians confirm heavy air attack
The city administration of Sevastopol on the peninsula, which has been annexed by Russia since 2014, also reported a heavy airstrike during the night. The head of the city, Mikhail Rasvoshayev, spoke on Telegram of the "most massive attack in recent times", but said it had been repelled. Videos circulated on social media showing several violent explosions in various parts of Sevastopol. According to military experts, the Ukrainian armed forces used at least three "Storm Shadow" cruise missiles of the type provided by the UK and France.

Razvozhayev did not mention any warships being destroyed; he merely reported that five small harbor ferries had been damaged. According to him, one man was killed by rocket splinters and four other people were injured. In addition, 17 buses and a shared cab were damaged.

According to unconfirmed reports, a fuel depot near the village of Gvardejskoje near the Crimean capital of Simferopol was also attacked. The bridge connecting the Russian mainland and the annexed peninsula was temporarily closed to traffic.

"Fleet practically incapacitated"
Although the Ukrainian reports of hits have not yet been independently confirmed, many observers assume that they are correct. British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps wrote on Platform X: "Putin's continued illegal occupation of Ukraine is exacting a massive price on the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which is now virtually incapacitated."

In recent months, Ukraine, which does not have a functioning navy itself, has already succeeded in further decimating the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Several landing ships for amphibious operations were also disabled in the process. Russia used them to transport soldiers and equipment to Crimea. However, the 112-metre-long ships could also have been used for a landing operation on the Ukrainian coast.

"Putin's ships sink even in port"
Russian commanders are unlikely to take such a risk, as the once proud Black Sea Fleet is now a mere shadow of its former self after the numerous losses. The British Defense Secretary commented: "Russia has sailed the Black Sea since 1783, but is now forced to confine its fleet to port. And even there Putin's ships are sinking!"

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