Previously already banned

Russia puts LGBT movement on terror list

22.03.2024 16:37

Russia has declared the "international LGBT movement" a terrorist organization. The Russian authorities are thus stepping up the repression of sexual minorities in the country.

According to a memo from the Russian financial monitoring authority obtained by the AFP news agency on Friday, the "international LGBT movement" has been added to the list of extremist and terrorist organizations.

Vague wording can lead to long prison sentences
The "international LGBT movement" had already been banned by the Russian Supreme Court for "extremism" at the end of 2023, even though an organization with this name does not exist in Russia. This - albeit vague - wording had paved the way for heavy prison sentences. The English abbreviation LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

Archive image from 2009: Dispersal of a homosexual rally in Moscow (Bild: AP)
Archive image from 2009: Dispersal of a homosexual rally in Moscow

Bar operator arrested as LGBT supporter
On Wednesday, the Russian authorities announced that they had taken the operators of a bar in the Urals into custody. They face up to ten years in prison for LGBT "extremism". According to the indictment, "during the investigation it turned out that the defendants - people with a non-traditional sexual orientation - support opinions and activities of the international LGBT association, which is banned in our country".

Further criminal proceedings in recent weeks
This is the first criminal case in this context. However, several Russians have been fined in recent weeks for publishing photos with rainbow flags on the internet, among other things. Two women were sentenced for distributing a video of them kissing.
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