Letter to state parliament

Transit Forum calls for a stop to the Fernpass laws

19.03.2024 15:00

Transitforum chairman Fritz Gurgiser is alarmed about the long-distance pass package. In a letter to all municipalities and the Tyrolean Parliament, he demands that the resolutions be suspended for the time being.

Two government bills regarding the long-distance pass package are to be passed in the March provincial parliament (starts on Wednesday). In a letter, Gurgiser calls for the "suspension of the resolution due to a lack of documents".

"Our sole aim is to point out to you as legislators the unfulfilled requirements in the studies and legal opinions, to motivate you to demand the missing expediency tests," Gurgiser writes to the MPs.

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'Behind me the flood of transit' cannot be the basis for a provincial law that places even more burdens on the current and next generation.

Fritz Gurgiser vom Transitforum (Bild: Johanna Birbaumer)

Fritz Gurgiser, Transitforum

"Personal responsibility for the consequences"
"This is not about a pause for reflection or a delay, but about something very important: as legislators, you have a free decision to make or a decision to set a course that is subordinate to club pressure. For your voters in the numerous affected communities in the Außerfern, Gurgl, Inn, Ötz, Pitz, Paznaun and Stanzertal valleys right up to the High Court. And to take personal responsibility for the consequences."

Involvement of those affected
Gurgiser calls for the expediency and environmental impact assessment required by the life cycle assessment study and legal opinion, a cost estimate of the existing congestion damage with subsequent public presentation and "full, transparent involvement of those affected".

Outsourcing to an external company
The outsourcing of road competence to a Fernpassstraßen GmbH, "which is not bound by any democratic rules and where political influence is de facto not possible", should be particularly rejected. All in all, it is about ensuring an intact living and regional economic area in the Alpine Convention region.

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