Police officer denigrated

Facebook post costs Styrian almost 5000 euros

13.03.2024 07:15

Two sentences circulated on Facebook and a photo of a police officer at a 2021 anti-corona demonstration in Innsbruck triggered an avalanche of lawsuits throughout Austria. The police officer, who was unjustly pilloried on Facebook as violent, sued around 1000 users who shared or commented on the photo. Including many Styrians. The trial took place in Graz on Tuesday.

Hundreds of coronavirus opponents demonstrated in the Tyrolean capital in February 2021. Arrests were also made. Including that of an 82-year-old who interfered in an official act. A 32-year-old police officer from Carinthia was also present at the time and secured the arrest.

"The policeman escalated"
Shortly afterwards, a photo of the police officer in question appeared on Facebook, with the caption: "Let this policeman's face go around the world. This policeman escalated at a demonstration in Innsbruck. An 82-year-old innocent man was pulled to the ground, arrested and interrogated for hours," wrote one user - and thousands shared the post without a second thought.

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A false claim was made and shared. There are said to have been 1500 users, but not all of them could be traced.

Richter Christoph Lichtenberg

Police officer had to justify himself
"A friend called me on the way back from the operation and asked what I had done," the Carinthian described at a previous trial in Wiener Neustadt. He also had to justify himself to relatives, colleagues and club members. He refused to accept the accusation and hired a lawyer.

70 to 80 proceedings in Graz alone
Neither a police officer nor a lawyer were present at the hearing on Tuesday at the Regional Criminal Court in Graz. But everything should have been said anyway. After all, the trials have been going on throughout Austria for three years. "In Graz alone, there are 70 to 80 trials," explained Judge Christoph Lichtenberg to a school class that had come to the hearing.

Commented with pig emoji
One of these many proceedings also involved a 62-year-old Styrian. "It was an ill-considered posting, which in hindsight was of course madness," said his defense lawyer. "You commented on this post with a police emoji and a pig emoji?" asked the judge. "Yes, I'm very sorry." - "You didn't know it was wrong, but you didn't check it either?" - "No," the pensioner shook his head, visibly dejected.

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Consistent prosecution of every offender is needed to improve the communication culture on Facebook.

Der Anwalt des Polizisten in einem Schreiben an das Gericht

Just under 5000 euros settlement payment
The pensioner immediately accepted the police officer's settlement offer - just under 5000 euros (half of which are legal fees), a retraction published on the internet and the deletion of the post. He also apologized. That is why there is no conviction this time. The suspended sentence runs for one year and he immediately pays the legal costs of 150 euros. The public prosecutor agrees to the diversion and dismissal of the case.

"So always think carefully before you comment or share something next time," the judge told the students. Because, as you can see, posting something like this can be quite expensive.

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