After the referendum:

Cheaper electricity for pro-wind power communities

12.03.2024 19:00

A new citizen participation model is being introduced for projects following the referendum in favor of wind power in three Waldviertel municipalities. A cheaper electricity tariff will be guaranteed there from April until the end of 2033. In total, more than 10,200 people were eligible to vote in the five municipalities.

If the referendum in each of the five municipalities with 10,200 eligible voters in the district of Waidhofen an der Thaya had gone ahead, 18 instead of 13 wind turbines would have been planned. However, in the rural municipality of the district town - with a voter turnout of almost 86% - and in Groß Siegharts, the citizens voted against the project, as reported by the "Krone" newspaper. The ÖVP mayors are abiding by the outcome, but will not object to any projects in neighboring municipalities.

"Climate-friendly reforestation possible"
The clearing of forest areas was a major topic in the wind turbine debate. In Waidhofen-Land in particular, however, only two of the four turbines were planned in the forest. Insiders conclude from this that these were not the only concerns of the wind turbine opponents. However, the plant operator WEB claims that the construction of wind turbines would even enable "climate-friendly reforestation".

Comprehensive model in pioneering style
Waidhofen's Deputy Mayor Martin Litschauer (Greens) emphasizes the low electricity tariff that WEB will be offering to the Yes municipalities from April until 2034. The survey also lays the foundation for citizen participation in wind power projects.

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