SP/VP election promise

“New childcare” in four model regions fixed

06.03.2024 08:00

The Tyrolean state government does not want to lose any time in implementing one of its most important election promises: Since taking office in the fall of 2022, the black-red coalition has been pursuing the goal of becoming the first federal state with the right to child education and care.

Six months ago, the official starting signal was given at a government retreat in Kolsassberg, and now LH Anton Mattle (VP), his deputy Georg Dornauer (SP) and LR Education Cornelia Hagele (VP) have presented an initial interim assessment. Conclusion: within six months, a large part of the planned measures had already been tackled, reported the head of government yesterday.

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We are presenting the first four pilot regions with the association of municipalities. The concept will then be tested in practice there.

LH Anton Mattle

Practical test in the municipalities
By autumn 2024, the planned measures for the right to child education and care will be tested in a total of four pilot regions and their experiences evaluated. The aim is to be able to offer the concept in the majority of Tyrol's 277 municipalities by 2026. The state is investing 50 million euros in this, 30 million of which will go towards new infrastructure.

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Every child has a right to education and to develop their talents. Regardless of their parents' financial situation and background.

LHStv. Georg Dornauer

Parents' contribution does not cover costs under any circumstances
The offer will not be free of charge for parents, as was emphasized again yesterday. "But it should be affordable, both for families and for communities." How the municipalities settle the costs for a childcare place among themselves is one of the big puzzles that still needs to be solved. After all, not every municipality should and can provide a fully-fledged service. Cooperation across municipal boundaries is therefore necessary, especially as parents can also make use of a childcare place outside their local municipality - for example, if it is on the way to work. A place should be accessible "within 15 minutes by car", was emphasized once again.

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The quality of early childhood education and care is crucial for the future development of society.

Bildungs-LR Cornelia Hagele

More staff is needed
Another goal is to harmonize parental contributions across Tyrol. A social scale is also being considered: those who earn more should also pay more. What is certain at the moment is that more staff are needed. Hagele assumes an additional requirement of up to ten percent. The very first step in this direction was a campaign launched in the fall, part two will follow in March.

The aim of all these efforts is to improve the compatibility of family and career and to relieve the burden on women.

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