Video three days later

Start with glitches for our ESC hopeful Kaleen

04.03.2024 18:00

As reported, the Austrian song contest entry "We Will Rave" celebrated its premiere on Friday - but the music video and Spotify account of Austrian ESC hopeful Kaleen were stuck for days. Now the sexy music video should finally be available for fans to watch ...

Over 300,000 people have already listened to the ESC song "We Will Rave" on the music platform Spotify - but it could have been even more if the artist's profile had also been linked to the song.

Kaleen thanked us on Instagram: "Two days with a bumpy start, but I can rely on you ravers." However, that wasn't the only technical problem for the Austrian song contest starter.

Tears on Twitter
The music video for the song, in which male models from Heidi Klum dance topless with Kaleen, did not go online despite being announced on Friday.

Instead, the numerous international ESC fans who are already celebrating the song on the Internet were put off until Monday evening: "I'm so sad that I couldn't share the music video with you today," Kaleen cried on X (formerly Twitter).

Filmed in L.A. in February
It is said to have been the fault of the production company in Los Angeles, who failed to meet the deadline for the video.

The clip was shot with the internationally renowned London fashion photographer Rankin, who had previously photographed the cover for "We Will Rave", and his team in L.A. at the beginning of February.

At the moment, "We Will Rave" is in 13th place in the betting odds - perhaps its popularity will increase once the sexy video is available ...

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