
Kurz-Richter, climate plan: ÖVP attacks the Greens

03.03.2024 14:25

The National Council elections may not take place until the end of September, but the election campaign is already sending out its first signs of spring. Because there is a crisis within the turquoise-green coalition - once again. On Sunday, the ÖVP announced a parliamentary question to Justice Minister Alma Zadic (Greens) in connection with the conviction of former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. In addition, Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) sharply criticized the Green Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler.

In the ÖVP's question to Zadic, the People's Party is concerned, as has already been criticized several times in recent days, with the fact that only a few days after the Kurz ruling it became known that Judge Michael Radasztics had already been sentenced to a disciplinary penalty from his time as a public prosecutor in May 2023.

Edtstadler explained in this regard on ORF's "Pressestunde" that it was about the "appearance of bias". This issue is important for the reputation of the judiciary and the rule of law. After all, the whole thing was "strange in appearance". The Minister of Justice is called upon to act here.

The disciplinary sanction is related, among other things, to an unauthorized disclosure of information by Radasztics to former MP Peter Pilz. From the ÖVP's point of view, it will now have to be clarified how this coincidence, "in which a coincidence can almost be ruled out", came about. In this regard, the People's Party has identified different explanations from the Higher Regional Court of Graz and the Evidence Office at the Supreme Court.

The political influence of Pilz must also be clarified, according to a statement to the APA. The ÖVP is therefore calling on Zadic to disclose how many employees in the Justice Minister's cabinet had previously worked for "Liste Pilz/Jetzt" or for the former member of the National Council himself.

Edtstadler also sharply criticized Climate Protection Minister Gewessler. She accused her Green government colleague of being more interested in creating a monument to herself than reaching agreement with the other ministries on the climate plan. Edtstadler does not see any concessions: "She is being unreasonable here."

Gewessler plan stopped
The draft climate plan should have been submitted to the EU some time ago, but failed because Edtstadler stopped Gewessler's corresponding draft. The Minister for Europe also justified this on Sunday by stating that three ministries had objected to the plans, but the Minister had not taken this into account: "This was not a national plan but a Gewessler plan."

The plan was then sent to Brussels without the knowledge of the ÖVP. Edtstadler said that she had then taken her responsibility to withdraw it. Gewessler had obviously been "badly advised legally". However, talks were continuing and she hoped to find a "green branch", said Edtstadler. The final plan had to be submitted by June.

Edtstadler rules out coalition with Kickl
As far as the future government constellation is concerned, the Minister wants to let the voters speak first. Edtstadler only ruled out working with FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl, whom she accused of stopping at nothing. He also had a problem with women.

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