Shocking details

Serial rape causes deep shock

01.03.2024 05:45

The indescribable ordeal of Anna (name changed) has caused a stir beyond Austria's borders - and has left even experienced criminologists speechless. As reported, the 12-year-old girl from Vienna was sexually abused by a gang of youths over a period of months.

The allegations are enough to make your blood run cold: Up to eight perpetrators (!) - most of them still of childish age themselves - are said to have had their way with the then twelve-year-old at the same time over a period of months and even filmed the assaults on their cell phones.

The police temporarily arrested a total of 17 suspects in a coordinated operation in the early hours of Thursday morning. They were later released and returned to their children's rooms. With one exception: a 16-year-old was provisionally arrested for resisting law enforcement.

The serial abuse of the twelve-year-old schoolgirl in Vienna is said to have taken place in this stairwell. (Bild: Jöchl Martin/Martin Jöchl)
The serial abuse of the twelve-year-old schoolgirl in Vienna is said to have taken place in this stairwell.

Multicultural gang struck in underground parking garage, apartment and stairwell
The boys - among them six Austrians with a migration background, three Syrian asylum seekers, the rest from south-eastern Europe and Turkey - are between 13 and 18 years old.

A detailed report to the public prosecutor's office, which is available to the "Krone", only gives an idea of the ordeal that Anna had to endure. A harrowing mix of sexual violence, blackmail and coercion: It began with a supposedly harmless kiss in an underground parking garage near Vienna's main train station. But it didn't stop there.

In the days that followed, the girl was passed around like a trophy among the friends of a 15-year-old. Sexual intercourse also took place in an apartment in Favoriten and in a stairwell. Some of the acts were filmed, and one video is even said to show eight teenagers attacking the child at the same time. Four cell phones were seized and analyzed by the police.

The police department responsible (Bild: Andi Schiel)
The police department responsible

Perpetrators face "only" five years in prison
The girl only confided in her mother months later. Before that, however, she is said to have gone into hiding for a short time and was considered missing. The victim was robbed of her childhood, the perpetrators face a maximum of five years in prison due to their young age - the Vienna Public Prosecutor's Office and the State Office of Criminal Investigation continue to investigate ...

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