Brenner highway closure

Red Cross took care of the numerous traffic jam victims

23.02.2024 21:29

Due to the persistent snowfall throughout Tyrol, numerous roads were closed on Friday, including the A13 Brenner highway. The Red Cross took care of the numerous drivers who were stuck in traffic jams for hours.

The A 13 from Innsbruck towards Brenner in both directions had been closed since midday. However, the lanes were reopened shortly after 10 pm. In between, more than 150 trucks had to be towed away under extremely difficult conditions. Around 70 centimeters of fresh snow had fallen.

According to the state, the obstructions were caused by several "poorly equipped heavy vehicles" that got stuck on the highway. Other trucks tried to overtake these vehicles and also got stuck. These truck drivers used the second and third lanes despite the driving and overtaking ban. Cars and, above all, snow clearing vehicles were blocked and it was no longer possible to get through. As a result, the heavy vehicles had to be towed away individually from a section of around three kilometers at great expense. The highway operator was in continuous operation with around 30 clearing vehicles.

Other federal and state roads were also affected by road closures, including the following

  • B 182 Brenner Straße from Innsbruck in the direction of Brenner between the A 13 Innsbruck-Süd exit and Matrei
  • B 169 Zillertal Straße between Ginzling and Mayrhofen in both directions due to imminent avalanche danger
  • L 229 Schmirntalstraße (between Stafflach and Obern)
  • L 231 Nösslacher Straße (between Gries am Brenner and Obernberg)
  • L 228 Naviser Straße (between Beierler and Navis)
  • Felbertauern toll road: total closure for all motor vehicles between the Felbertauern tunnel and Mittersill.

Avalanche danger increased
Due to the greatly increased risk of avalanches, the Navis road had to be closed to all traffic on Friday. "From 6 pm to 7.30 pm, the state has defined a time corridor where the road can be passed," informed Mayor Lukas Peer. From 7.30 pm, the road is closed again from Moosleite (at km 2.750). On Saturday, the avalanche commission will meet at 7 am and make further decisions regarding the road closure.

The gorge section (B169) between Mayrhofen and Ginzling has been closed since Friday at 4 pm. (Bild:
The gorge section (B169) between Mayrhofen and Ginzling has been closed since Friday at 4 pm.

Gorge route closed due to avalanche
Due to an avalanche, the gorge route (B169) between Mayrhofen and Ginzling has been closed to all traffic since February 23, 2024 from 4 pm. As the Harpfnerwand tunnel is closed, there is no way to get to Ginzling. It is not known how long the closure will last.

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