After a long wait

Pensioner no longer “trapped” in her apartment

08.02.2024 07:41

More than a year ago, we reported on the case of reader Gertraud N., who lives in Vienna-Simmering. She was no longer able to leave her apartment without help after the renovation of the municipal building in which she lives. Now there is finally a solution in this case.

The pensioner, who is dependent on a wheelchair for health reasons, has lived in a council apartment since 1969. Renovation of the residential complex began in 2018 and various measures were taken to ensure accessibility.

Entrance door as a barrier
For example, elevators were installed so that people can access their apartment without using the stairs. New entrance doors were also installed that comply with current fire safety regulations. But it was precisely this that became a problem for Ms. N.

In the fall of 2022, Ms N. was unable to get into the house on her own. (Bild: Reinhard HOLL)
In the fall of 2022, Ms N. was unable to get into the house on her own.

Reader could no longer get out of her apartment on her own
The reader's daughter and son therefore wrote to the ombudswoman after unsuccessfully contacting Wiener Wohnen. The new entrance door was so difficult for the lady to open that she could no longer leave the apartment building independently in her wheelchair - and conversely, of course, she could not open the door to the municipal building either.

Landlord did not want to install a door opener
At the time, Wiener Wohnen pointed out to the ombudswoman that installing and repairing an automatic opening device would be costly, but that the tenant could apply for a change of residence. The tenant and her relatives saw this as an affront, as the issue at the time was also a barrier-free renovation of the complex.

Zitat Icon

My mother can finally leave the house again independently in her wheelchair.

Herr C., Sohn von Leserin Frau N.

Arbitration requested
However, the family was not satisfied with the landlord's response and subsequently applied to the Ministry of Social Affairs for arbitration on the grounds of discrimination. And lo and behold, in April 2023, Wiener Wohnen agreed to install an automatic door opener.

It then took until the beginning of December 2023 before it was actually installed. But at least Ms N. can now leave her apartment again - without having to rely on outside help. The case shows once again: persistence pays off!

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