Relaxation of rest periods

Bus drivers: trade union identifies “safety risk”

06.02.2024 13:31

While bus companies and the Chamber of Commerce's Bus and Coach Section speak of a successful reform, the trade union warns of a "horrendous safety risk" and is mobilizing against a possible softening of driving and rest times. According to a provisional agreement between the EU Parliament, Council and EU Commission, in future it will be possible for drivers' entitlement to a continuous daily break of 45 minutes to be split into three breaks of 15 minutes each.

The new regulation applies to occasional and touring traffic. In a statement on Tuesday, Karl Delfs, Federal Secretary of the road transport section of the vida trade union, appealed to MEPs not to approve this regulation in Parliament, which would mean a deterioration in working conditions. "The profit needs of the tourism industry and bus lobby must not be placed above the safety of people."

Trade union: persistent staff shortage cannot be solved this way
"Fatigue and safety risks can only be reduced with good working conditions, fair pay and protection through good rules," emphasized Delfs. The ongoing staff shortage among professional drivers cannot be solved by worsening working conditions.

According to Delfs, the impending application of the so-called 12-day rule at national level also means that drivers will be able to drive for 12 days with only one 24-hour rest period during this period, even within Germany. Previously, this was only possible in cross-border traffic, criticized the trade unionist.

Trade unionist Karl Delfs (Bild: vida/Mandl)
Trade unionist Karl Delfs

Studies on fatigue among professional drivers had already delivered alarming results in 2021. According to a survey by the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF), up to two thirds of truck and bus drivers have to drive with chronic fatigue. 60 percent of truck drivers and 66 percent of around 2,900 bus drivers surveyed stated that they regularly have to drive while tired. According to the study, poor working conditions such as irregular and long working hours as well as insufficient rest and break times are the main causes of fatigue at the wheel, says Delfs.

Survey: 80 percent of bus drivers threaten to resign
In a survey of bus drivers across Europe in 2023, around 80% of respondents said they would look for another job if driving and rest times were to be relaxed.

Satisfaction among bus drivers about their duty rosters is falling. (Bild:
Satisfaction among bus drivers about their duty rosters is falling.

For Martin Horvath, Chairman of the Bus Professional Group in the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, softening the rigid regulations means adapting to the different working rhythms in the coach industry. "The result of distributing breaks and rest periods more flexibly and treating cross-border and domestic coach tourism equally gives drivers more opportunities to meet customer requirements," says Horvath.
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