Third collection

Carinthian designers have a heart for handbags

27.05.2024 21:00

Two young Carinthian women on their way to the top: Victoria Botzenhart from Reifnitz and Julia Lorenz from Schiefling have made a name for themselves as handbag designers and are now launching their third collection.

"We've known each other since kindergarten," says Victoria. "We were already fascinated by handbags at school." The two young women turned this passion into their profession in 2019.

Viktoria Botzenhart has now moved to Italy. The 24-year-old lives in Florence and is studying business law. Her friend and business partner Julia is also studying the same subject. She has moved the center of her life to Vienna.

Distributed via Five Forty
The handbags of the two young Carinthian women are sold by the company Five Forty. They are produced in Italy. The Five Forty brand is inspired by the Dolce Vita, and this is also reflected in the look. Anyone who thinks of the glittering sea, strolling along a promenade, special food, good wine and the bright colors of a wonderful vacation when they see the chic bags is right. Because that's where the bags come from.

The handbags are produced in six colors in a manufactory. (Bild: Five Forty)
The handbags are produced in six colors in a manufactory.

The Five Forty production facility is located in Padua. Not far from Venice, every single bag is handmade in a family business. Ten employees are involved, and every step of the process is carried out with care. "We use selected materials such as fine leather and cotton without any chemical additives," says Victoria.

Pop-up store planned in Velden
And she also reveals where you can buy the bags: At Gregor Grüner, for example, Gennaro Guagliardi or Kastner & Öhler. "They are available online around the clock. You can find out more at," Victoria advertises on her own behalf. "In summer, we're opening our own pop-up store in Velden for three months."

The girls stand their ground in the fashion world. "I'm creative, Julia is responsible for the numbers in the business world," smiles Botzenhart.

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read the original article here.

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