Almost in the trash

How a young detective (9 years old) rescued her “big lazy one”

27.05.2024 06:00

"I forgot 'Big Lazy'", young Sophia (7) burst into tears at home. Mom Corinna quickly rushed back: but the stuffed animal had disappeared. She started an online search with her sister Leona. The result: a close call, but a happy ending!

It was at Lake Viehofner See in St. Pölten when sisters Sophia (7) and Leona (11) were enjoying the beautiful afternoon at the bathing pond with their mother Corinna. Always with them: soft toy Big Lazy. "The name doesn't come from the fact that Leona likes to use our Fauli as a cushion or backrest on a tree, but because he was as big as she was when he became a member of the family," smiled the St. Pölten native.

As they had already been able to solve a tricky "missing person case" once before, where Leona had found her stuffed companion again, the hope was high, despite a few tears, that Großfaul would also be found again: Without further ado, the gray fluffy animal was "wanted" in a social media group.

Restaurant owner rescued stuffed animal at the last moment
Then everything happened very quickly - in the truest sense of the word: the owner of the "Seedose" restaurant saw the not exactly small stuffed animal lying on the trailer of gardeners who were driving past the restaurant. And immediately remembered the entry in the Facebook group!

She quickly stopped the driver and contacted the owner online. Overjoyed, Sophia was able to hold her "Fauli" again - and received a delicious ice cream from the finder ... All was right with the world again!

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