"Over the moon"

Angelo’s son Gabriel Kelly wins “Let’s Dance”

25.05.2024 09:19

Musician Gabriel Kelly has won the RTL dance show "Let's Dance" with superiority. In the final of the 17th season, the 22-year-old easily shook off the competition and scored 10s from the jury without exception - the highest score.

In front of his family, known for the band The Kelly Family ("An Angel"), he finally lifted the winner's trophy in the form of a large disco ball on Saturday night.

"Over the moon"
Afterwards, Kelly summed it up, hardly out of breath: "In the end, we're standing here now and we're just over the moon." He promised his dance partner Malika Dzumaev that he would take further private dance lessons with her.

Gabriel Kelly and Malika Dzumaev (Bild: Foto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)
Gabriel Kelly and Malika Dzumaev
Gabriel Kelly and Malika Dzumaev (Bild: Foto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)
Gabriel Kelly and Malika Dzumaev

Favorite victory
However, the professional dancer is unlikely to find the musician in need of too much extra tuition. The 22-year-old son of musician Angelo Kelly was already the favorite going into the final and absolutely lived up to his role on the dance floor in Cologne.

A Kelly family member had already won "Let's Dance" 13 years ago - Gabriel Kelly's aunt Maite Kelly won the show in 2011. And on Friday evening, it quickly became clear that the nephew would be able to follow on from this.

The couple's first dance, a samba to the song "Mas Que Nada", was a triumph. The otherwise notoriously harsh judge Joachim Llambi raved about Kelly's rhythm and movement in his body. "That was the best samba of all the candidates in 17 years," he said. Colleague Motsi Mabuse shouted enthusiastically: "You killed it!" There had never been a better samba performance on the show.

Gabriel Kelly and proud dad Angelo Kelly (Bild: Foto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)
Gabriel Kelly and proud dad Angelo Kelly

"King Po"
Kelly's competitors tried in vain to dance past the 22-year-old. Choreographer Detlef Soost began the show with a slow waltz to "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. Juror Llambi advised him in training to let the movement for the dance "come from the bottom" and demonstrated this right away - including the request to touch the judge's bottom for better visualization.

"I got a bit of a fright," said Soost later. "I thought: I can't touch the king's bottom here." But it wasn't enough for the top score of 30 - the waltz was awarded 27 points.

The presenters Victoria Swarovski and Daniel Hartwich (Bild: Foto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)
The presenters Victoria Swarovski and Daniel Hartwich

Wosnitza in second place
Sports presenter Jana Wosnitza also lost out with her dance partner Vadim Garbuzov and ended up in second place - despite a pyro show in the last dance, which she dedicated to US superstar Beyoncé.

Her quickstep wasn't bad either - but Llambi spotted small mistakes. "You noticed it yourself," he said in a pedagogical tone. "That's when I think to myself: in this final, where it's so close, everything has to be right."

In the final, there was another reunion with many eliminated contestants. Comedian Tony Bauer, who had to drop out for health reasons, revealed that there would soon be a reunion on RTL - he would be the new judge on the talent show "Das Supertalent". The show was hosted by Victoria Swarovski and Daniel Hartwig.

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