"Bad luck" for 18-year-old

Chase ends accidentally with drug dealer

24.05.2024 21:04

After a traffic stop, a fugitive had a wild chase with the police in Vienna-Liesing. The wanted man eventually hid in someone else's garden shed. There, the police not only tracked him down, but also a lot of narcotics, weapons and counterfeit money - all of which were in the possession of the resident, who has now ended up in court.

The 18-year-old client of lawyer Normann Hofstätter was truly "unlucky": the fact that the police found the drugs and weapons in his home is due to an incredible coincidence.

On January 20, the officers pursued a man in Vienna-Liesing who had fled during a traffic stop. The suspect hid in the garden shed of the accused, who was completely unknown to him, where the police officers eventually discovered not only the fugitive but also lots of narcotics, counterfeit money and weapons - which the son of the garden shed owner was hoarding there, not the man being pursued.

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My client was on the wrong track. But the previous instructions had worked.

(Bild: Peter Tomschi)

Normann Hofstätter verteidigt den Jugendlichen.

One month in custody
The 18-year-old, who lives with his mother, was arrested and has now landed in Landl before Judge Daniela Zwangsleitner, charged with several offenses. It was not only "Commissioner Chance" who struck, but also "Commissioner DNA". In the end, he was also charged with assault, burglary and attempted car theft by the Vienna District Court. "I take full responsibility," said the young man at the court hearing. "I want to change my life. Being in custody was a terrible experience for me." During the trial, the young dealer was sentenced to 18 months in prison, 17 of which were conditional.

Lawyer Hofstätter also hopes for improvement: "My client was on the wrong track. But the previous instructions have worked. And he is also lucky that he has a family that stands behind him." Perhaps the unusual coincidence that led to the criminal proceedings actually has positive consequences for the juvenile defendant.

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read the original article here.

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